Yep for weeks now I have been full of excuses. One excuse after another all leading to one bad choice to more bad choices.
I have to own the fact that it got out of control. I have even broken down more than once I might add and ran through a drive thru and ordered junk. This coming from the young lady who has said previously that fast food to me is like crack.... I am a fast food addict.
Here have been some of my typical excuses: Work is stressing me out. I have a friends wedding this week and I plan on enjoying it I will start next week. Oh wait my best friends 50th is this weekend so how about starting tomorrow? Excuse after excuse.
So many excuses that my 70 lb+/- is now down to 57 lbs lost!
Enough is truly enough. I refuse to continue with these excuses. I refuse to let go of all my progress and success. I am still in all my smaller clothes have no idea how but they are feeling snug and I this simply isn't acceptable to me anymore.
This is reality - I may not like the things I need to do right now especially since my job truly is killing me but I need to find a way to work around that. I may even need to force myself to go to the gym in the mornings since I truly am exhausted after work these days. My point being is I need to do what other people don't like to do, I need to do what I DON'T LIKE doing in order to see success.
Today I grocery shopped and steamed my hard boiled eggs and planned my week of meals.
Goal 1: Log in to Spark every day.
Goal 2: Track all my meals
Goal 3: Eat breakfast
Goal 4: Stop every 3 to 4 hours and eat (I don't care how busy I am at work - I can't let the entire day go by and not eat anything but a fruit)
Goal 5: Hit the gym EVERY single day (No excuses)
Goal 6: I will be down 36 lbs by my 49th birthday
To my spark friends who have reached out to me while I have been away thank you and my sincere apologies for being missing in action! I applaud all of you for continuing your journey while I have been "on a serious detour"
October is the month of No Excuses -
I Can and I Will Watch Me!